Thursday, June 30, 2011

May/June Update!


First I apologize for being so late with my May update!  So I will be adding May and June together Time is flying by so fast and I am staying busy with school, Spanish and helping at my church.


This month (May) we had a Mother’s Day Celebration and was very interesting to see. The School went all out for the mom’s! The kids did skits and singing for their mothers. The moms even got to be involved in games like musical chairs and received prizes. There was a Pastor who spoke with the moms and then they eat lunch. They had such a good time, It was nice to see them smiling and laughing. I even got to wear a typical Mayan outfit. The kids are doing well. Joel is still brushing his teeth in which I am so happy about! We are working with the Occupational Therapist in helping the kids improve in abilities. The kids are talking more and not just communicating with their hands. We’re teaching one little boy sign language and we are trying a new good behavior program. Please Pray that the good behavior program goes well and the student’s behavior improves. We could use prayer everyday in working with the students. In May there was a group of Missionaries from the states that came down and threw the kids a birthday party. The kids had Burger King, cake and ice cream in which they Loved! For June we had a father’s day, I was unable to attend but I heard it went very well!

School  (8)        School Birthday Party (27)

Cake                                                           and Ice Cream

School Birthday Party (43)                         School Birthday Party (52)


Mother's Day 005 


I love church here and getting involved with different places within the church. I love helping in the café we have. I get to help prepare, serve food and clean for the mission teams that come in for meals. My English classes are going well! Two weeks ago we went on a field trip to McDonalds. I had the class talk in English and share about their week. I am trying to get them to talk more in English but they really don’t like it! Even though they do very well! The last two weeks I have been involved in a program at church called, Feeding the Hungry. We have the guests bused in from the homeless shelter. We play worship songs, have a small sermon and then eat! It is so humbling and a blessing to work there. The first day was very hard after seeing a young teenager come in homeless, high from drugs and looking like he was in a fight. It just broke my heart to see someone like that. Please pray for the guests we have each week that they will receive God’s strength to overcome what they are going through.

Camino’s Café!

Church Cafe 001                   Church Cafe 004


My English Class                                      Feeding the Hungry

English Class (5)     Feeding the Hungry 6-7-11 015

Health: Please pray for my health, right now I have sinus infection. I have had it for two weeks now.


Tooth issues- I Still have to get two teeth worked on

Staying Healthy

Finances-This month (June) was very low

Students and Parents of Santa Maria de Jesus

Traveling to and from work

Teaching English at Church

Keeping God close when life seems to get busy!

Raining Season is upon us!!! SAFETY


If you would like to support me you may send checks too:

Friends of Children Everywhere

P.O. Box 6904

Kokomo, IND U.S.A. 46904-6904

Genesis 12:1 The Lord said to Abram, “ Go… away from your country, from your relatives and your father’s house, to the land that I show you.”



In my last letter I asked for your prayer about staying in Guatemala or not. How I have felt lead to work with mission teams. About a month ago I felt God telling me it’s time to go home! I feel Peace about coming home at the same time I am very sad to leave my home here. As I have told my church family and friends here in Guatemala I am still open to hearing God and if he changes his plans in having me stay then I will. I ask for your prayers in moving home and leaving my home here. It’s a very hard decision and I am worried about my adjusting to living back in the states. Please pray for me in moving home, my worries about adjusting and life back state side.

Please keep in prayer about when I come home I will need to find a car and a place to live! I thank God that I have a job but I will need the others too! :)

Thank you so much!!!

With much love:

Jennifer (Jenny) Ribbink

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