Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend 2010!

I had such a great weekend spending it with friends, BBQ, Concert and Oak Fest!

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Here are A few pics of the BBQ at the leins

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The Meat from Ken’s Meat Market in Monona, YUM!!!     THE COOKS (Kyle and Me)

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Us Girls and Eli eating Cake

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Here are a few Pictures of My First Brat Fest and watching Madison County!

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Oak Fest 2010- This was my first Memorial Weekend in Madison since I Have lived here and now I am moving!  :)  Friends at Oak Fest!

Sophie and Me!! How cute is this Girl!          GO CUBS!

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Cute Face paint Gary!! 

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The take down!! Good Job Tom and Ryan

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Some of the Worship team from Monona Oaks Community Church


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I had such a Great weekend! I will miss hanging out with my friends but I can’t wait for my next step in life!

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