Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can’t Believe it’s February

It seems it has been a long time since I have wrote anything but it was only January 17th! Times seems to be flying by, before I know it it’s going to be October and I will be heading back to the winter weather of Wisconsin!

The last couple of weeks have been busy with adjusting to school! The most is getting up at 5:30am everyday, leaving my house at 6:30 or so walk to the bus and catch it for the 20 minute ride up Vulcan de Agua and try to be at work around 7:15 or so??? :) I am still adjusting to the way things are done differently at the school and still in need of Spanish classes to communicate better but God will provide that money when it’s in his time! I sure do need to remind myself of that, I tend to be impatient! :)

The kids have been a blessing to work with, Yes it’s VERY challenging but I would not change it for the world!! Being up so early I have noticed I might not be in the best of spirits (pray for that) but when I get to school and see the kids and their smile and then the day changes! We have a new student his name is Cesar and he can’t hear or talk so it’s very interesting in the communication but we do it!  He’s a very smart boy and aware of a lot sometimes too much, when we move on from a subject to the next he will take the items from other kids and then they get upset. I know he’s trying to help but the kids don’t see it like that and it’s not good! :)

Everyday is a interesting day! Friday seems the worse for me. The school routes teachers that day, So Marilynn ( the Guatemalan teacher that I am with) goes to every other classroom and teaches about the Bible. Through out the day the other teachers come in and do their special teaching. We have gym in the morning and it’s a very very tough job getting the 8 kids to listen and participate. Joel RUNS!! He’s the runner of the class and when he runs then Victor and Cesar run, I guess sometimes Griselda' runs. So it’s like chasing Chickens around the coup and not being able to gather them all there and for them to stay!!!! :)  I am not saying the kids are chickens or animals but that’s how I see myself running around.  So when Marilynn goes to the other classrooms and teaches on the Bible I stay and help the other teachers who come in to the classroom. Even in the classroom the kids get up and down run around the room, hide under desk! So I am sure the teachers who come in are grateful that I am there, they TRY to teach and I go and recover the wondering student. When they are all sitting working wonderfully then we both help the kids with the work that they are doing. Friday ( yesterday) not only did they all want to run around but they all seemed like they were hitting each other! I don’t know if there was a full moon or what but man was it a day!! Victor and Joel who like to run also don’t like to work or sit at their desk. When we are working with them on a project and they start coloring the shape they are learning or whatever it’s a BLESSING!  Victor likes to say Ms. ( in Spanish to get your attention) do Thumbs up for a Great Job done starts to smile and knows he did good. Joel    (gets your attention too) shows you the project, tries to talk and you can see the BIGGEST Smile on his face and will repeat this many times! It’s such an amazing thing to see! How one minute we struggle with them at working and then when they get the project done they are so happy, proud of themselves and you see the biggest smile ever. I am very happy and blessed to be given the time I have here! Getting to know the kids has been wonderful and they are amazing.

Monday – Thursday at school Marilynn and I are both in the classroom and it’s still a lot chasing and trying to get those kids who don’t want to work to work! We do breakfast in the morning, then brushing teeth. Which is a challenge! I went and bought some bubble gum toothpaste for these two little boys who don’t like to brush their teeth. I was hoping the taste would get them to do it but it but it didn’t. So I am not sure if I want to but a other flavor or not??? A lot of the kids don’t have teeth and their gums are so bad so it hurts them. I did find softer brushes so I hope that helps too! After Breakfast we do lessons, songs, prayers and then SNACK time! This time the kids can get what they bring or go buy some fruit from the school. They also get the chance to run around and play. Back to work for an hour and then at the end of the day is some time for the kids to play in the classroom. It’s so fun to see how the kids interact with each other or tell on each other when one knows they should not be doing something they will let us know. But the way they help each other is awesome especially when some of the kids we have can’t hear or talk. So when the kids that can hear go over on their own and take their hand or guide them to where then need to be it awesome to see. That as little as the kids are they know how to help each other.


Besides School:

Here are a few things that I am working on besides school. At church last Sunday Pastor Mike talked about how important it was to have The Tools needed to Grow:

1. Time and Place 2. An Open Bible 3. An Open Heart

He talked about bible study and prayer and it got me missing my Bible Study Group from Monona. I love the fellowship and bond that we have and miss them all very much. The church here has a women’s bible study, and men’s bible study. The time for the women’s Bible study i am working. There’s nothing for Late 20’s to 30 year olds. So I approached Pastor Mike and asking him if the church thought about doing a late 20 to 30 year old age group Bible Study. He said yes we have but no one to take the leadership role. I really feel like God is calling me to do this maybe because I miss the time with my close friends in his word, I know that it will do be some good with the struggles I have here, maybe all of it! I don’t know. I asked Pastor Mike if It was something I could talk to him about and do, he asked if I was a member of the church and I said no. He told me I needed to be a member so I am working on that right now! I ask for you prayers that the membership will happen and that still has on my heart to start a Bible Study Group.

Tuesday’s I am teaching English’s classes at church and loving it! The group I have is awesome and we have so much fun!!! I love being involved in church here and the people are great! I am praying that I will be more involved and that there will be someone I can connect with. Friends of course but someone like parents! I have a couple at Monona I think of that way but never told them, I know if I need anything I could go to them! It’s a Great Feeling to have when your own family is out of state.

Wednesday and Thursday’s I am going to teaching English to a young women here in Antigua. I meet someone who runs a language school and wanted to know if I could teach 2 hrs of English a week and 2 hrs of updating the schools blog and FaceBook in exchange for Spanish Classes. So I told him we can try it but if it become to much then I would have to back out plus I would really love to have my Old Spanish Teacher! She was amazing with me and very patient. So Monday’s I have Spanish Class and hoping then to have Bible Study at Church. Tuesday I have Spanish Class and then I go and teach English at Church. Wednesday and Thursday I will teach English to the young women and then I will have Spanish Class. Pray for his to work, it will be nice to get back into Spanish! Praying that I can have my old teacher back when support comes in.

Fridays!! The last two Friday I have attended a Prayer Meeting with a co-worker of mine and it’s been different but Great!! I very much enjoy going. It is out of Antigua on the way to Guatemala City so I can only go when she does but I very excited about attending the meetings when I can. Every other week we are praying for the Country of Guatemala. The other Two weeks we pray and worship him to whatever comes from the heart, needs that we are are in need of and thanking God for what he has done. It’s wonderful and I feel energized leaving the meeting and Pray that it last when my day’s get busy with work.

Cesar, the new student                                Cesar and Joel! The RUNNER!

School (6)     School (4)

Snack Time!

School (17)      School (15)

Joel, TIRED!!!                                                      Damaris and me

joel     School (20)


School (9) - Copy         School (5)

Marilynn playing with Yelmina.

School (1)   School (14)

God’s beauty from my terrace, at the end of the day this helps!!! I

Sunset 1-17-11 (2) 


Prayer Request:

Prayer for my work week, as I am very tired in the early early a.m. I want to feel God there working in me and to show that love at school as I walk in the door not after I wake up hours later.

Prayer for the school and kids I work with. They are all very special and in God’s need of love and help. I hear some stories about what the kids go through and it breaks my hearts. Yesterday I learned that a boy that attends the school is hit at home and his dad is a “pastor” and I am sorry with the equation marks but I feel he is not with God if he abuses his kids.  I don’t understand how some can “preach” Gods word and then go home and hit God’s Child.????

Prayer for the country of Guatemala! The Violence here has increased! From Bombing of Chicken Buses to Scamming of ATM’S cards! The Drug issues here have gotten worse and we Pray that God will take those drugs and rid of them from this place. Hearing stories of Police robbing people, it’s sad but I have always been told here not to trust the police.  It’s also election year so we don’t know what lies ahead only God does. I pray that will God show his fear and power to the people and will bring them down on their knees. Not only here but around the world. It’s hard keeping up with news here ( since it’s in Spanish) and around the world but we pray that God will show his power and bring God back into the world.

Prayer for Protection: I ask of prayers of protection physically, spiritually and mentally. I think everyone has times they struggle and the last week or so was for me but I am taking that and moving on. Looking more into God and wanting to Grow more with him.  Prayer for Physical Health, the last week I have felt like I have water in my ears and wont go away, I have been praying about it and wondering how long I should wait to see someone. It’s harder to hear a times like on the phone and stuff.. So Please Pray that my ear issues go away!!! :)  I have a friend back home that is not dong well, she’s 36 with 3 young kids and not doing well battling cancer. Please Pray that God will heal her. Mentally it’s been hard knowing I have not seen her in a long time and I didn’t before I left. It brings a lot of hard memories back when I lost my mom to cancer.



This part is always the hardest part or me in asking for help.  I am so thankful and Blessed for those who Support me with Prayer of Financially. Yes I am still in need of support and ask for those who would be willing for monthly support to pray about it and ask God for his guidance in and trust in him to support me. I know it the start of the new year and taxes are upon us but ask if it’s what God is putting on your heart and that you will take the step in Faith. Each month I don’t know what’s going to come in or not but taking the Step in Faith that God will provide for me! That I will be able to pay my bills, get to work and eat. For the month of January I was about 400 dollars short of what I need but very thankful to see more came in then what I have been getting. I may have to see a doctor soon if my ear issues don’t go away so if anyone would like to help with that by sending extra or a donation for the doctor and you can make that on the check that’s what you would like it be used for. Thank You

If you would like to support me: Checks can be sent to

Friends of Children Everywhere

P.O. Box 6904

Kokomo, Indiana 46904-6904

Clearly stating on the memo line: JENNIFER RIBBINK/ CASA ALJABA


Always with Much Love and Thanks



jane said...

cute pics jenny. we r wondering what u r wearing? Looks crazy like u :)

Jenny Ribbink said...

Thanks Love! It's a Shaw, It's in style here!! :) I wish Jo Jo could see what I am doing.