Friday, June 25, 2010

Drive-In/Zoo and Packing

 Drive In 2010 (2)Drive In 2010 (4)Drive In 2010 (5)

Drive In 2010 (8) Drive In 2010 (10) Here are a few Pictures of the Whites and me  going to the Jefferson Drive-In Movie! It was the first time the Whites attended the Drive-In and it was so much Fun.


IMG_4234 IMG_4235 Lunch Time before the Big Trip to the Zoo!!

IMG_4242 IMG_4243IMG_4251


 IMG_4254IMG_4260 IMG_4272

Copy of IMG_4257 IMG_4286 IMG_4276

IMG_4295 IMG_4290 IMG_4247 p

IMG_4298 IMG_4310 We had a Such a Great Time at the Zoo! It was really hot but I think everyone had Fun!! I was so Zooed out I took a nap when I got home and I never take naps!!

IMG_4325IMG_4326  My Front room and Bed Room!! This is what my place looks like! YIKES!!!!! Only if I could hire someone to pack it all for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know a guy who is an organizer. Uhm, if I can only remember his name?