Monday, August 23, 2010

Pictures from the Last Week!

guatemala 10-11 001 guatemala 10-11 002 Living and Dining Room

guatemala 10-11 003 My room as soon as you open the door

guatemala 10-11 005 To the Left of the door

guatemala 10-11 055guatemala 10-11 056 Straight in my room to the right

guatemala 10-11 006 My Bathroom, My room is very Tiny but it works great!

guatemala 10-11 010 Here you go Jane. A bug that seems to be everywhere, I have to keep a towel in front of my door and one behind my door so at night when I close it so they don’t come in, There not bad but I want to keep them out,

guatemala 10-11 012 Me working with a local child

guatemala 10-11 017 Here you go Jane, Pan ( Bread) This bread is very good! It has a sweet taste to it! YUM

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At the Market!

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Cyndy these Peppers made me think of you!

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Have you ever seen such HUGH Carrots! Yummy Guacamole. Had that for my Bday lucnh

guatemala 10-11 030A lady Hugo and Gilma do shopping with

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My Birthday Dinner and Cake!! Some of the Gifts I got on my Birthday

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Saturday Children’s program!

guatemala 10-11 057 guatemala 10-11 061

guatemala 10-11 064 My First Woodcarving lesson and I cut my finger!

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We ate outside this day, Saturday! I just ate the Ramón noodles!

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guatemala 10-11 069 I guess they call this chili! I Heard a story about Marco and Tony eating this! :)

guatemala 10-11 072 My First Chicken bus Ride!!!

Some View from Antigua!

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guatemala 10-11 082 Sunday with Tony, The first stop was Cerro de la Cruz.

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His Group and me below

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Las Capuchinas

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Entering the nuns room Inside the room

guatemala 10-11 116 we are guessing the bath tubs?

guatemala 10-11 121 guatemala 10-11 120Tony and I trying to find a church I went to when we stayed at El Carmen but we could not find it!

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View from Antigua and Jenny E. I thought of us when I saw this! JennyStar!! should say Stars cuz we are!! hahaha

guatemala 10-11 128 and I found you a Truck!!

Well I hope you enjoyed my past week of getting out! (Most was from Sunday with Tony)


jane said...

you are so silly. i like the but oh i mean bug :) looks like u had fun

Jenny Ribbink said...

I tried to change that before you looked, you beat me too it!

Sara Kane said...

Love all the pictures Jenny! Is that bug a roly poly (aka polliwog?) It looks familiar...

Jenny Ribbink said...

Thanks Sara, I call it a roly poly too but when I say that I get weird looks!! :)

Jenny Ribbink said...

Thanks Sara, I call it a roly poly too but when I say that I get weird looks!! :)

Laura Berner said...

Hi Jenny! I think your turtle turned out great. And I'm a little jealous there is no "LauraStar". Maybe someday...