Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's been a Month Today!!!

A lot has changed for me in the last month!! I sold my Car, quit my part-time job, went on a year leave from the High School, moved from my apartment to the Leins then to the Whites then here. I have left my Family and Friends and the comfort zone I had in Madison and with them! I have gone through so many emotions living here then I ever have!! One thing I have learned and still learning is to trust God even more then I guess I have in the past! I still feel in my Heart to take classes and as far as I know support has not come in but I am trusting God will provide for me! In taking the Spanish Classes I feel it will be easier for me to minster and teach here in Guatemala! I am now considering on moving into Antigua. I will still be teaching at the school and helping the family I live with. I have talked to them about it and told them I want to help, I feel it is also where God wants me to use the talensts he gave me! One to be closer to the Spanish school I will have classes once my funds come in! I am again leaving the comfort zone I have here with the family and moving! I pray that God will provide for me and open doors for me to continue to work here. That I feel at Peace about my making the move to Antigua. Now I pray that God will provide the right living quarters and in my budget! Many things are still up in the air and I ask you for your prayers on the decisions I have to make and that God will grant those back in the United States to support me being a Missionary and reaching out to those God has lead me to!

Support can GO to :
P.O. Box 6904
Kokomo, Ind
Jennifer Ribbink- Casa Aljaba
If you are sending any money Just for my Spanish Classes or Uniform please state that as well on the check of Memo line so it can get to me!

With Many Many Thanks and Blessing to you!

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